Pre-Apprenticeship Program The Pre-Apprenticeship Program is designed to teach the fundamentals of farming while offering hands-on experience working alongside some of Fairbank’s most successful farmers. Check out this link for information and application: (Apprentices must reside in the Fairbanks North Star Borough)
almost 3 years ago, Andy Corbin
Dear Parent/Guardian, The Nenana After School Program and Program Coordinator, Jusette Hill, are pleased to invite students in grades K-8 on a field trip to the University of Alaska Fairbanks Museum of the North. K-6 students will visit the museum on Friday 2/25, while students in grades 7-8 will travel to Fairbanks on Tuesday, 2/22. Students will have the opportunity to experience cultural and natural history from multiple regions throughout Alaska. They will learn about the people, wildlife, geography and history of each region including the Athabascan people of the interior. They will also witness 2,000 years of Alaskan art, from ancient ivory carvings to paintings, photographs and sculptures. Cultural objects used for both ceremony and everyday life, along with artwork representing indigenous traditions of Alaska are a highlight. Departure time will be 8:30am. Students will be transported by First Student bus service. The students will have three hours to explore all exhibits with a 1 hour lunch in between at the UAF Wood Center cafeteria. Students will be back in Nenana before the end of the school day. Teachers have distributed permission slips to students. In the event you do not wish for your student to participate in this field trip, we will have teaching staff on site to provide educational opportunities here at the school. Please indicate your intentions either way on the field trip permission slip and return them to teachers asap. Thank you.
almost 3 years ago, Dave Huntington
David Tomeo, Kennels Manager at Denali National Park and Preserve will be visiting the school with his team of dog mushers on Monday, 2/21. Mr. Tomeo will provide a short presentation followed by a Q&A to the elementary students. Mr. Tomeo's team is embarking on a special re-enactment patrol of traveling up the Tanana River to the site (Hadley Island) where the first dogs were purchased for the National Park Service in 1922. The visitors will provide an opportunity to meet-some-park-ranger-dogs as well as learn about the prospective trip and the special connection with the town of Nenana.
almost 3 years ago, Dave Huntington
Nenana Lynx High Basketball games in Healy tonight, February 8th. If you cannot attend in person, they do have LIVESTREAM available. 3:30 pm Girls JV 5 pm Boys JV 6:30 pm Girls Varsity Here is the livestream link:
almost 3 years ago, Andy Corbin
Updated NIT Brackets as of Saturday morning (pics attached)
almost 3 years ago, Dave Huntington
2022 Nenana Invitational Tournament Date: February 3rd, 4th, and 5th Time: Thursday 8:00 AM – 9:30 PM Friday 8:00 AM – 9:30 PM Saturday 8:00 AM – 9:30 PM Please see the attached brackets for the tournament schedule. Livestream Link:
almost 3 years ago, Dave Huntington
tourney brackets
NCS Update 1-31-22 Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences coming February 10th & 11th Dear Parents/Guardians, Below is the agenda for conferences coming up February 10th & 11th. Thurs, 2/10 2pm-4:30pm Friday, 2/11 2pm-3:30pm Mrs. Andy Corbin has pre-scheduled conferences for students in grades K-8, schedules are being mailed to K-8 parents today. These can be phone conversations, Zoom meetings or in-person, please let your student’s teacher know what you choose to do. If you have conflicts with the schedule, please contact the teacher directly, or call Andy Corbin. Meeting lengths will be predetermined to ensure equity in length for each family that confirms their intentions to attend. Similarly, if local parents of students in grades 9-12 wish to schedule meetings in-person, please contact Andy Corbin and/or teachers of your student. The default will be teachers reaching out to parents/guardians of students in their Xblock classes to discuss student progress, goals and to address any questions. Teachers will either reach out via phone during the window for conferences, or be in contact with parents to schedule Zoom meetings in advance. Again, if you wish to meet either in person or virtually with a teacher, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Corbin or teachers directly. We strongly encourage students to participate in these conferences, regardless of format.
almost 3 years ago, Andy Corbin
LIVE Streaming is available to watch high school basketball games in Tok today and tomorrow. Here is the link: Tok Wolverines Link
almost 3 years ago, Andy Corbin
NCS Principal Update 1-27-22 Greetings Families and Friends, I am writing to communicate that it is our intention to re-open school on Monday, January 31st. This brief shutdown has served its purpose in curbing the recent outbreak to the degree possible. Upon re-opening, families are asked to monitor students closely for any COVID-19 symptoms. Common symptoms that may justify removal from school and/or COVID screening include a combination of any of the following: fever/cough/shortness of breath, sore throat/sinus drainage. We ask that you do NOT send your student to school if they are exhibiting any combination of these symptoms. We have at home test kits available at the main office. Please do not hesitate to stop by and pick up a few if you wish or contact the main office to discuss alternative means of distribution. I am including information below related to a number of our protocols and chains of communication. I am hopeful this information will help to ensure we are all operating under the same understanding. If students are symptomatic: Teacher refers student to Nurse Lauren for screening. Student should be asked to wear a mask prior to being sent to nurse. If Nurse Lauren is not available, Andy will screen and contact parents for pickup if necessary. In most cases, parent/guardian of symptomatic students will be contacted and asked to remove student from school until symptoms do not persist. If parent is unavailable, student may be placed in quarantine room until further notice. If screening does not indicate a need for removal from school, students will be returned to class. If they are returned to class, Nurse Lauren will direct students to wear a mask upon return to class. Students should be encouraged to wash hands routinely, wipe down work spaces, and keep their distance from other students when possible. Common symptoms of COVID that may justify removal from school and/or COVID screening include a combination of any of the following: fever/cough/shortness of breath, sore throat/sinus drainage. Sneezing does not justify referral to school nurse. Communication: Nurse Lauren will share out the daily updated list of new cases (both local K-12 and LC), including the date for return to in-person. Nurse Lauren will inform close contacts (students and families) of potential exposure and will ALSO inform teachers of close contacts along with whether the student will need to quarantine out of school. There are times where this information may be delayed. If a student tests positive: COVID-positive individuals will isolate out of school for five days and mask for five days upon return Asymptomatic individuals who are NOT close contacts will mask only at their (or their parents) discretion. In most cases, siblings of a student who tests positive, or children of a parent who tests positive, will likely be identified as a close contact and follow protocols for close contacts (see below). There may be instances where all students in a given class are determined to be close contacts, but it should not be automatically assumed. Nurse Lauren will communicate directly with teachers to gather information related to close contacts. Current info and recommendations on close contacts from CDC; For COVID-19, a close contact is anyone who was less than 6 feet away from you for a combined total of 15 minutes or more over a 24-hour period. If they are infected, close contacts could spread COVID-19 starting 2 days before they have any symptoms or test positive. Recommendations for close contacts vary depending on whether they are up to date with their COVID vaccinations or had confirmed COVID-19 within the 90 days prior to close contact. Nenana City School will treat all individuals identified as close contacts uniformly. If asymptomatic, they will remain in school, masked, while monitoring symptoms. They will be screened for COVID19 each day for a five day period. If symptomatic, they will be required to quarantine outside of school while monitoring symptoms and performing at-home screening. They may return to school following five days. Individuals should monitor for symptoms for ten days following last exposure to someone with COVID19. Someone is still considered a close contact even if they were wearing a mask while they were around a COVID-positive individual. Respectfully, David R. Huntington Principal, Nenana City School 907-832-5464 (NCS office) District Website:
almost 3 years ago, Andy Corbin
1-21-22 NCS Update: Greetings Lynx Parent/Guardian, Thank you for your flexibility this week following the decision on Tuesday to transition to remote learning. Since then, there have been a number of additional positive COVID cases amongst our staff and student body. As such, remote learning will continue for the duration of next week. The hope is for a return to in-person learning on Monday, January 31st. Beginning Tuesday, Jan. 25, Aurora Transportation will be available to facilitate meal delivery to Nenana City School students. All interested families should contact the main office to indicate the number of meals desired and drop-off locations. If no one is available to take your call, please leave a voicemail. Again, thank you for your flexibility and support as we push on with our efforts against this current outbreak. Warm Regards, David R. Huntington Principal, Nenana City School 907-832-5464 (NCS office) District Website:
almost 3 years ago, Andy Corbin
1-20-22 Update from Ski Coach Chuck Hugny: Attention ski parents, due to the Covid outbreak in the Nenana school community and the lockdown at the NSLC there will be no ski practice for two weeks. I have issued skis to families who want to practice during this no contact time. If other Nenana school students wish to borrow skies contact Mr Hugny at 907-750-5463. There is no admittance to the NSLC presently. Thank you for your consideration.
almost 3 years ago, Andy Corbin
NCS to Move to Remote Learning Starting Tomorrow, January 19, 2022. Greetings NCS Parent/Guardian, We are in the midst of a significant COVID-19 outbreak amongst our local Nenana community and within our school and Nenana Student Living Center community. During an outbreak of communicable disease, the CDC does not have a recommended threshold for when a school should move to remote learning. This decision will vary from school to school based on community transmission, availability of staff who may be out due to quarantine, and the overarching need for controlling an outbreak. One resource being referenced by many schools is the Guidance for Classification of Clusters and Outbreaks authored by the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists. This guidance describes an outbreak as; multiple cases comprising at least 10% of students, teachers, or staff meeting criteria for a probable or confirmed school-associated COVID-19 case with symptom onset or positive test result within 14 days of each other. We have surpassed the 10% threshold. In an effort to contain the current outbreak as quickly as possible, Nenana City School will move to remote learning beginning on Wednesday, 1/19/22. The school will continue in a remote learning format for a period of time to be determined. One metric that will be used to indicate a safe return to in-person school will be a reduction in the COVID-19 positivity rate within the Nenana Student Living Center population. Upon return to in-person schooling, NCS will continue to implement layered prevention as outlined in the ARP Mitigation Plan. Masking is required for students who have completed isolation due to a positive COVID test. These students are required to wear a mask for five days upon their return to school. Masking is required for staff and students who are enrolled in the Test to Stay protocol for close contacts of COVID-positive individuals. Masks are available at every access point in the building, every classroom, and every office. You may find further information related to COVID-19 protocols on the school website - David R. Huntington Principal, Nenana City School 907-832-5464 (NCS office) District Website:
almost 3 years ago, Andy Corbin
Watch Nenana Lynx High School Basketball games in Delta this weekend, here is the link:
almost 3 years ago, Andy Corbin
Dear Parents, As we begin to get back into normal routines at school, we realize that there may be students and/or families that encounter COVID illness or exposure. For those students who need to remain in quarantine, Nenana City School is able to provide Chromebook and Mifi’s devices so that your student can continue to participate in school virtually. These devices are delegated for quarantine purposes only. Please contact Andy Corbin in the school office if your student needs these devices for their quarantine time. For those parents or students that checked out Chromebooks and Mifi devices for the last three virtual days of school before Christmas break, please return them to the office as soon as possible.
about 3 years ago, Andy Corbin
Learning Opportunity for Parents - Sponsored by the Fairbanks North Star School District and the Stone Soup Group. Here is a link for more information: A picture of the flyer is also attached.
about 3 years ago, Andy Corbin
Parent Learning Opportunity Flyer
2021-22 Basketball Schedule
about 3 years ago, Dave Huntington
2021-22 Basketball Schedule
NCS Principal Update 1-4-22 Greetings Parents/Guardians and Happy New Year, I hope you've all had a restful holiday season and found time to enjoy the company of friends and family. Teaching and Support Staff participated in inservice work and professional development on Monday and Tuesday this week. We are eager to welcome students back to the building tomorrow, Wednesday Jan. 5, 2022. Upon opening, we will operate as in the recent past, with optional masking for school staff and students. I look forward to connecting with many of you as we progress through the semester. Please refer to the school website for the most up to date Events schedule, all of which are subject to change. Warm regards, David R. Huntington Principal, Nenana City School 907-832-5464 (NCS office) District Website:
about 3 years ago, Andy Corbin
Dear Parent/Guardian, The annual K-6 Christmas performance is this week on Wednesday, 12/8. Doors will open at 6pm and performances will begin at 6:30pm. The performances will take place on stage in the Pit. Traditionally, this event draws a very large crowd. In an effort to create the safest environment possible, we are encouraging only immediate family members to attend. As with other extra-curricular events, we are asking that attendees wear face coverings. The event will also be LiveStreamed, accessible on the school website. Thank you, David R. Huntington Principal, Nenana City School 907-832-5464 (NCS office) District Website:
about 3 years ago, Andy Corbin
Dear Parent/Guardian, Each semester, Nenana City School would like to provide students an opportunity to provide administration and staff with feedback on their school experience. Student responses will remain completely anonymous. The results will be used to review and improve the school program for all students. This process is extremely important to our continued program improvement. The first evaluation, focused on school climate, will be distributed to students in grades 7-12 via email from the office of the Principal. The second, a course/teacher evaluation, is meant to provide anonymous feedback for teachers. Secondary teachers will distribute the survey to EACH of their classes via email. Again, feedback is to be used for the teacher's own reference and reflection. Teachers of students in grades K-6 may elect to distribute these evaluations if they desire. If you prefer that your student does not engage in this cycle of feedback, please inform the main office as soon as possible. Thank you kindly, David R. Huntington Principal, Nenana City School 907-832-5464 (NCS office) District Website:
about 3 years ago, Andy Corbin
School Picture Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, November 30th! Use the form that was mailed out previously to place your order online, or send your order to the school with your student. Attached is a copy of the order form as well.
about 3 years ago, Andy Corbin
School Picture Order Form 11-29-21