School Board
The Nenana City School Board welcomes you to its meetings and thanks you for your interest in helping to build a bright educational future for our youth. Agendas are available at the meeting, as well as one public copy of the board packet.
Upcoming Meetings and Zoom Link Information:
The Nenana School Board will hold a regular board meeting on March 12, 2025 at 6:30pm in the Wayne Taylor Auditorium, AKA "The Pit" at Nenana City School.
The meeting is also broadcasted through Zoom at the link listed below.
Board Agenda/Packet: Click Here
If joining the meeting via Zoom link, please note your name in the chat box. Thank you!
Join Zoom Meeting
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Passcode: 296684
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About the Board
Governing the school district for the public, the Board determines school district policy and employs the superintendent, the administrative staff, and the teachers and non-instructional staff who are responsible for daily school operations.
Five voting members of the Board are elected at-large for three-year terms; two advisory-voting members represent the North and South ends of the Parks Hwy, outside of the Nenana City Limits. We also have one advisory-voting student representative from our student government body.
The Board works to develop and improve our school program; its responsibilities include:
Setting district wide goals
Adopting the operating budget
Approving curriculum and textbooks
Approving major expenditures
Securing adequate school financing
Planning and maintaining facilities
Enforcing student discipline policy
Acting as a board of appeal
Overseeing district legal matters
Communicating with the public
Regular Meetings
The Board meets the first Wednesday of each month, at 6:30 p.m., in the Nenana City School Library. Nenana City School is located at 2nd and C Street, Nenana, Alaska. Due to occasional situations that sometimes take place in small communities, the Board may have to change the date of the regular meeting. Those date changes will be posted.
Public Testimony
Who may speak at a Board meeting?
Anyone may speak at Board meetings. The Board also accepts written testimony, either hand delivered, mailed to its office P.O. Box 10 Nenana, AK 99760 or emailed to
What topics are appropriate?
It is best to address a specific agenda item or a matter of general concern. When addressing the Board, please remember that slander laws may apply to public criticism of individuals identified by name. If there is a complaint involving an individual, it is best dealt with through administrative channels, with the Board as a level of appeal after the superintendent.
Open Meeting Act & Public Information Act
The Nenana City School Board/District complies with both the Open Meeting Act and the Public Information Act.
Please note that due to Open Meeting Laws, the Board may not be able to comment on public testimony that was not an agenda item.
To request information through the public information act, you may email your request to: – Patrick Manning, Superintendent or – Susan Kauffman, Administrative Asst. to the Superintendent.
Meeting Minutes
Financial Statements