and here's next Friday's school menu too!
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
April 2  School Menu - NCS
Here are next week's school menus for NSC, you can access the daily menu on the mobil app: NCSD Lynx, download it now!
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
March 29 School Menu - NCS
March 30 School Menu - NCS
March 31 School Menu - NCS
April 1  School Menu - NCS
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students, Since my last update on Feb.15, in which I communicated a prospective in-person start date of March. 29, we have seen COVID-19 case rates in the Fairbanks Northstar Borough continue to hover just above 10. As of this week, we have received confirmation that there has been no community spread in Nenana for over a month. We have consulted with public health (DHSS) regarding the effectiveness of our Smart Start plan to date and the implications moving forward. Public health has acknowledged our ability to do so given the current low risk in Nenana, vaccine distribution, and new guidance from CDC. The CDC K-12 Operational Strategy targeting mitigation strategies to avoid COVID-19 transmission in schools can be viewed HERE. The top 5 mitigation strategies to avoid COVID-19 transmission in schools include: 1. Universal and correct wearing of masks 2. Physical distancing 3. Handwashing and respiratory etiquette 4. Cleaning and maintaining healthy facilities, including ventilation improvements 5. Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine, in collaboration with the State, local, territorial or Tribal health departments While each of these strategies is important, emphasis will be placed on the universal and correct wearing of masks and physical distancing. In considering this guidance, along with prioritizing a) what's best for students' academic needs and social-emotional health in the months ahead, and b) what's best for NCS program operations in the long-term, NCS leadership has concluded that we will move forward with a return to in-person school as proposed. We are hopeful that our efforts to do so will provide valuable lessons to inform our planning for a smooth return to in-person education in August, along with potential summer programming. Details informing our approach are available at the link HERE. In summary, please refer to the following in-person start dates: 3/29 K-4 students in building w/orientation assembly 3/30 K-8 students in building w/orientation assembly for 5-8 students 3/31 K-12 (local) students in building w/orientation assembly for 9-12 students Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions. Kind regards, David R. Huntington Principal, Nenana City School 907-832-5464 (NCS office) District Website:
almost 4 years ago, Dave Huntington
2-22-21 Dear Parents/Guardians, I hope this message finds you well. Many of you were able to attend virtual conferences last Friday. Thank you! I hope you found the time and information beneficial. We are truly doing all we can to keep the feeling of connection to school alive and well amidst the ongoing pandemic challenges. Please do not hesitate at any time to reach out with questions, suggestions or concerns related to your student's education. I'm aware that Graduation is on the minds of many of you, as well as the minds of students in the graduating Class of 2021. There are many details yet to be determined, but a committee of staff members have begun meeting along with many of the prospective graduates. We have set the tentative date for the commencement ceremony to be Saturday, May 15. The time of day and location have not been confirmed, but a few options are under consideration. We are hopeful to have an outdoor event that can safely accommodate Nenana community members and parents/guardians as well as visiting parents/guardians and family members of NSLC students. Please know that details will continue to be modified as we approach the selected date. Unfortunately, at this early stage in the planning, there is even potential that an in-person event may not be possible if there were to be a surge in local COVID-19 transmission in the weeks preceding the event. In the meantime, I'm hopeful this information aids you in your planning. Thank you, David R. Huntington Principal, Nenana City School 907-832-5464 (NCS office) District Website:
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
Check out the Nenana Ice Classic Tripod Sunday Flyer, it's coming up fast on March 7, 2021!
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
Nenana Ice Classice Tripod Sunday Flyer
NCS Update 2-15-21 Dear Parents/Guardians, It appears there is a need to adjust our planning based on new information published by the State of Alaska. At the link HERE, you will find COVID-19 Response and Recovery Health Advisory-2 on International and Interstate travel. This advisory was released over the weekend (2/14/21) and includes updates to recommendations for out of state travel, testing, and exemptions for fully vaccinated individuals. In light of this new information, and in an effort to ensure a safe reopening following prospective in-state and out-of-state travel by students and staff, we will continue with virtual instruction/schooling upon return from Spring Break for the week of March 22 through March 26, 2021. In person schooling for local K-12 students will commence on Monday, March 29. By Monday, March 22, all teachers and NCS staff members that have direct contact with students (when in person) are expected to have returned from any out of state travel to resume work with students virtually. This will provide a 5-7 day period to observe strict social distancing and self-monitoring for symptoms in preparation for a return to in person school on March 29. These efforts are consistent with recommendations in Health Advisory 2 and will serve us best to be confident that all individuals entering the building on March 29, 2021 are COVID-free. Again, all of this is dependent on a continued decline in Case Rate numbers and non-existent community spread in Nenana. Thank you for your flexibility and support as we continue to navigate these uncharted waters together as a school community. State of Alaska COVID Health Advisories can be viewed on the state website as well: All for now, David R. Huntington Principal, Nenana City School 907-832-5464 (NCS office) District Website:
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
2-15-21 Hello all, February is National Children's Dental Health Month. For the second year in a row, TCC Dental is participating in the American Dental Association’s ‘Give Kids a Smile’ event. An event whose goal is to provide dental care to children as well as to increase prevention and education into communities around the country. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are moving the event to our virtual space. Youth can participate by watching all of our educational videos below and then submitting answers to our quiz located below the videos. Once they submit their answers, they will be placed in a drawing for a prize. Give Kids A Smile – Tanana Chiefs Conference Dental Goody Bags have been placed in student homework files in the school building front entrance, and are ready for pick up. For more information contact: Deidre Dayton
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
NCS Update - Friday, February 12, 2021 Greetings Parents/Guardians and Nenana Community members, I am writing to provide information related to a prospective return to in-person schooling. It is my hope that providing this information in advance will enable parents, students and teachers to prepare accordingly. Assuming community spread remains stable in the immediate Nenana community, and Case Rates in the greater Fairbanks area continue to decline and stabilize at a value less than 10, we have identified March 22, 2021 as the day doors will open to local K-12 students enrolled at Nenana City School. This approach is consistent with our Smart Start plan, which has been guiding our decisions and actions thus far. Screen Shot 2021-02-11 at 9.04.07 AM.png Per the SmartStart plan, students in grades (K-8) will be placed into cohorts within grade level (where class sizes dictate). Student cohorts will remain together and safely distanced from one another within a classroom throughout the academic day. Breakfast and lunch will be served to the classrooms. At the Secondary level, local High School students will rotate classes in a traditional manner for direct instruction. Seating will be appropriately distanced, and masks will be worn. LC students will continue to school remotely M-Th, with in person options under consideration on Fridays. The academic day will follow the same schedule as it currently does at the Secondary level (7-12). Teachers in grades K-6 will transition to a traditional schedule of in-person instruction and away from the variety of modified virtual schedules, which have evolved through collaboration with students and parents in an effort to limit screen-time. Classroom teachers will communicate with parents and students directly on this front in the weeks ahead. The hope is that the majority of families would opt for their student(s) to attend in person. Those choosing to continue virtually will be provided the option to do so, although it will surely look different than it does currently. In the event of a localized positive case in a given class, or a student/teacher being identified as a "close contact", contract tracing may require the entire class (or some portion of it) to return to virtual instruction for an isolation period. This may have further-reaching impacts if, for example, an individual who tests positive (or who is identified as a close contact) has siblings in other grades, is a teacher, and/or has family members who are members of the teaching or support staff. Regarding Spring Break and associated travel, please find information on COVID-19 Outbreak Health Order No. 6, International and Interstate Travel at the link HERE. If your student(s) will be traveling out of state, please plan for them to continue with virtual school until they have met the requirements for quarantine/strict social distancing upon return (5 days and negative test for children over 10 yrs). There are a number of nuances that accompany a shift to operating in person safely. Beyond the masks, distancing, cleaning and disinfecting that have become common-place, students will need to be re-oriented to appropriate behaviors and expectations when in the building. While we are excited at the prospect of once again having students in the building, the process will require a team approach, flexibility, and trust. Again, it is my hope that communicating now will provide ample time to prepare for this transition. Thank you kindly, David R. Huntington Principal, Nenana City School 907-832-5464 (NCS office) District Website:
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
Students, Parents, and Staff - Don't miss out on the Nenana Native Council's Virtual Job Fair coming up February 22 through March 5, 2021. NNC Virtual Job Fair Flyer is attached to this posting.
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
NNC Virtual Job Fair Flyer
2-10-21 Dear Parents/Guardians, Students and teachers have been busy reconnecting and getting the second semester underway at Nenana City School. Learning is a process, and we want to take time to connect with families to reflect on our work together up to this point. Doing so provides an opportunity to celebrate successes, address any student needs that may not currently be met, and share recommendations moving forward. To that end, we are planning to hold Parent/Teacher Conferences again this month. Once again, we are encouraging student involvement. The conferences will be held virtually, either via Zoom or over the phone. Parents of students in grades K-8 can expect communication from Andy Corbin for scheduling on Thursday, 2/18 (2pm-4:30pm) and throughout the day on Friday, 2/19. High school conferences will take place throughout the day on Friday, 2/19. High School teachers will be reaching out to students and families to coordinate a time that works. Please begin discussing your availability with your student to assist in this scheduling process. Kind regards, David R. Huntington Principal, Nenana City School 907-832-5464 (NCS office) District Website:
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
Virtual PT Conferences - Feb 18th & 19th, 2021
2-9-21 Students and parents, here is the Feb/March Literacy Cafe Flyer (Virtual), see the attachment below.
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
Feb/March Literacy Cafe Flyer (Virtual)
2-3-21 Greetings, I apologize for sharing this a little late, but here is our January Literacy Cafe video (see link below). Packets full of books, supplies, and helpful literacy strategies should be at your front door, handed to you, or waiting for you at the front of the building. If you haven't received anything from us, please contact me at If you're interested in signing up, or know someone who is homeschooling through CyberLynx that might want to sign up, please send them my email and encourage them to join in. Thank you, and look for our next installment in late February or early March! Happy reading! Stephen Calkin
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
Greetings Parents and the Nenana Community, Below is an interest survey, which is part of the year-one ACE Grant efforts to gain insight from our NCS stakeholders. Please take some time this week or next to complete the survey. Your input is very important to our program planning efforts moving forward. Thank you for your time and thoughtful responses. Please submit your survey by February 15, 2021. NNA NCSD ANC Interest Survey David R. Huntington Principal, Nenana City School 907-832-5464 (NCS office) District Website:
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
Join Teena Calkin for UAF Night! Ever wonder what is out there for you at the University of Alaska Fairbanks? Like shared classes with the University of Alaska Southeast? This is the perfect night to join this Zoom - hear from admissions, financial aid, the Rural Honors Institute, eCampus, Alaska Advantage and more. Please join us to learn more - whether you think you will attend college or not, this would be a great opportunity for you to learn what’s out there so you have that information later on. Teena Calkin is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: UAF Night Time: Feb 17, 2021 06:00 PM Alaska Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 985 0716 5840 Passcode: 2uw8SG
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
NCS New Staff Member Introduction 1-25-21 Dear Parents/Guardians. I hope this message finds you well. I'm writing to formally introduce Mrs. Teena Calkin to our team at Nenana City School. Mrs. Calkin has recently joined us in her new position as Transition Coordinator and ACE Demo Grant Project Co-Director. This grant is in partnership with the Nenana Native Council. Please join us in welcoming Teena to the school community. Year one of the grant is written as a planning year. Teena's position is 0.5 FTE this year. In years 2-5 of the grant, Mrs. Calkin will transition to full time. Her responsibilities will expand to include leadership in our transition plan efforts for students in grades 7-12, along with other extracurricular offerings. The primary focus during the planning year is to survey stakeholders' interests in a variety of program offerings intended to increase access to college and career opportunities and also to begin networking with potential statewide agencies, universities and training facilities. The opportunities are endless, and Teena has already established a far-reaching network of contacts, viable partnerships and an impressive collection of next-level opportunities for our students. In the coming weeks, you will be asked to provide your feedback to Teena through the lens of a staff member. Parents and students (grade 7 -12) will also be asked to complete surveys. When the time comes please take some time to reflect on your tenure with NCSD (as a parent, student, staff member or any combination of the three), in providing Teena with your most genuine and constructive input. Survey responses will play an important role in decision making and the direction of our CTE and Afterschool Program offerings moving forward. Thank you in advance for your time and thoughtful responses. David R. Huntington Principal, Nenana City School 907-832-5464 (NCS office) District Website:
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
My previous posting was the NCS Update for Wednesday, January 20, 2021.
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
Dear Parents/Guardians and Nenana Community, As we move forward with semester two, I am writing to provide information regarding our plans for education at Nenana City School. With the recent changes being implemented in the FNSBSD, many folks are beginning to inquire as to whether Nenana City School will follow suit. First and foremost, we are very different from FNSBSD. One thing we do have in common is that we are both in the operational red zone (Alert Levels defined). As such, we are defaulting to our Smart Start plan, which states that we will operate with virtual instruction when COVID-19 case rates enter the high risk operational zone in Fairbanks and the surrounding region. The current case rates are roughly 4X greater than those indicated at the medium risk zone. At medium risk, we have a plan to transition to in-person schooling. The school's current approach is consistent with public health (DHSS) recommendations and received high approval from the State (DEED). Beyond the elevated case rates in Fairbanks, we have had recent community spread in Nenana. In-person schooling is unlikely until we see community spread stabilize and Fairbanks regional case rates fall below the high risk threshold. The safety of local students and those residing at the Nenana Student Living Center, along with that of the staff at both locations is of utmost priority. A return to in-person schooling is equally valued. Other considerations impacting the prospective return to in-person schooling include our teaching and LC staff who reside in the greater Fairbanks area, potential transmission from school to local families and elders, Nenana Head Start closure and associated child-care challenges, and a genuine uncertainty surrounding the degree of community spread in Nenana. Our current virtual delivery program has provided equal opportunities to all students, quality and continuity in instruction, and the ability for families to plan for child-care with consistency. Given our staff size and unique program needs, I am uncertain that we can deliver the same degree of quality instruction, safety, and support to all families if we attempt to provide both an in-person and remote option. Nonetheless, we will be exploring this option in the coming weeks. You can expect further communication on this if we see COVID-19 numbers continue to decline. Any return to in-person schooling would likely occur in phases, beginning with K-4, then 5-8, and ultimately high school. Screen Shot 2021-01-20 at 9.59.19 AM.png Our administrative, teaching, and support staff will continue to do all we can to meet and exceed the learning and social/emotional needs of all students. We will continue to monitor patterns and trends in COVID-19 case rates in our immediate region as well as other factors that determine our operational risk zone. Thank you for your continued flexibility, support, and perseverance. Kind regards, David R. Huntington Principal, Nenana City School 907-832-5464 (NCS office) District Website:
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
Greetings parents, guardians and community members. I hope the New Year is off to a good start! Last week, High School students were informed of an evening Peer Tutoring opportunity to support them in their efforts this semester. The NCS and LC staff have worked together to incorporate a peer tutor "hotline". There is an open Zoom session, Sunday - Thursday, in the evenings from 8:30-10pm. Both local and LC students may enter this Zoom room at any time to collaborate with each other, receive academic support from peers, etc. The link to the Peer Tutor Zoom is David R. Huntington Principal, Nenana City School 907-832-5464 (NCS office)
almost 4 years ago, Andy Corbin
The Nenana City School District board meeting normally scheduled for the first Wednesday of each month (January 6, 2021), is rescheduled for January 13, 2021.
about 4 years ago, Susan Kauffman