This is from the American Indian College Fund. Students can apply for both grants and scholarships as well as review and apply to tribal colleges.
This is the official FAFSA website. FAFSA is required for all scholarships and grants as well as university or college funds. This is based on parent tax returns. So parents, get your taxes done early and help your senior apply for college funding.
This organization has been around since 1899 to help get more student a college education. This is where you do your AP class testing, find scholarships, apply to take your SATs, virtual college fairs and more.
Those are the top three websites recommended by our transition coordinator. Finding college funding can feel like a full time job. Don’t let it overwhelm you; start now, no matter what grade you are in.
You can find scholarships from almost any organization. Are your parents part of a union? Apply through that union for a scholarship. Part of an Alaska Native Corporation? Go to their website and apply for scholarships and grants.
The Coastal Villages Region Fund (kids from Kongiginak, Kwigillingok,etc.) has a great scholarship opportunity! Coastal Villages Region Fund
Have questions or having difficulty, please feel free to email our transition coordinator at
UA Scholars Program offers an Award for recipients. Find out more:
Academic scholarships are generally merit-based and highly competitive! Excellent grades, community involvement, volunteer services, participation in competitive athletics or academic endeavors speak volumes for a student’s character and preparedness for a rigorous post-secondary course of study.
Please see your NCS Transition Coordinator, Mrs. Teena Calkin to help you formulate a strategy by which you will be able to realize your post-secondary educational aspirations. Funding should not pose an overwhelming obstacle.
Traditional Native Council – of the village that the student lives in or the village that the student’s parents come from Village corporations where the student lives in or the village corporation of which the student’s parents may own shares are potential sources of scholarship funding.
AVCP-Association of Village Council Presidents Provides social, economic and educational services to 56 federally recognized Native Alaskan Tribes. Offices are located in Bethel. 800-428-3521 or 907-543-7300
Coastal Villages Region Fund—Scholarships include funding for GED preparation and college, and applications are available. For residents of CVRF communities: Chefornak, Chevak, Eek, Goodnews Bay, Hooper Bay, Kipnuk, Kongiganak, Kwigillingok, Mekoryuk, Napakiak, Napaskiak, Newtok, Nightmute, Oscarville, Platinum, Quinhagak, Scammon Bay, Toksook Bay, Tuntutuliak, and Tununak.
The Louis Bunyan memorial scholarship is for vocational training or academic education and is based on financial need. Due dates: May 31 for fall semester; October 31 for winter/spring
Bethel Native Corporation The Bivin Memorial Scholarship is for $500 per semester. Application requirements are enumerated at the BNC website: . Applications can be downloaded directly from the BNC website.
Calista Scholarship Fund — June 30th deadline. 1-800-277-5516 Calista Scholarship Application Form
List of other Alaska colleges:
Reduced Tuition at Many Schools in the Western States
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education Provides reduced tuition at many schools in the western states
under 3 separate programs:
WUE — Western Undergraduate Exchange
WRGP — Western Regional Graduate Program
PSEP — Professional Student Exchange Program
(If you prefer to begin your college studies outside of Alaska, you may be eligible for in-state tuition at many schools located in the Pacific Northwest and Western United States. Check the above mentioned website for more information).